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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - present progressive or simple
present progressive or simple < Korrekturlesen < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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present progressive or simple: Korrektur
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 17:06 Di 08.06.2010
Autor: Copperhead

Hallo! Kann mir jemand sagen ob ich das richtig gemacht habe bitte?

Put the verbs in the brackets () in the gaps! Use simple present or present progressive.

1.It's 3 p.m. now. David IS PLAING (to play) guitar.
  He always PLAYS (to play) the guitar on Mondays.
2.It's 8 p.m. Jane HAS (to have) a bath.
  She always TAKES (to take) a bath after work.
3.Tom and Jerry always RUNS (to run)after each other.
  At the moment they ARE SLEEPING (to sleep)
4.Mary TAKES (to take) a bath.
  She always READS (to read) comicks then.
5.It's 14 o'clock. David GO (to go) to the shopping centre.
  He GOES (to go)shopping every Thursday.
6.It's 7p.m. at the moment. John IS REPAIRING (to repair)
  his motorbike.
7.It' RAINING (to rain) outside. Let's PLAY (to play) game
8.Mum IS WORKING(to work)in tke garden now.
  But she never CUTS (to cut) the roses.
9.We often GO (to go) swimming in the lake.
  But today we MUST (must) visit aunt Mary.
10.The Meyers HAVE (to have) a barbecue.
  They often EAT (to eat) in the garden.

Sind die Antworten korrekt? Hilfe!

Vielen dank und lieben Gruß

present progressive or simple: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 22:31 Di 08.06.2010
Autor: mmhkt

Guten Abend,

> Put the verbs in the brackets () in the gaps! Use simple
> present or present progressive.

>  1.It's 3 p.m. now. David IS PLAYING (to play) guitar. [ok]
>    He always PLAYS (to play) the guitar on Mondays. [ok]

>  2.It's 8 p.m. Jane HAS (to have) a bath.

Baden ist eine Tätigkeit, die einige Zeit in Anspruch nimmt, also...

>    She always TAKES (to take) a bath after work. [ok]

>  3.Tom and Jerry always RUNS (to run)after each other.

Im Prinzip richtig, nur das "s" gehört nicht dahin, "run" - weil es zwei sind, die rennen.

>    At the moment they ARE SLEEPING (to sleep) [ok]

>  4.Mary TAKES (to take) a bath. [ok]
>    She always READS (to read) comicks then. [ok]

>  5.It's 14 o'clock. David GO (to go) to the shopping
> centre.

1.: 14 Uhr ist keine englische Zeitangabe, das nennen die "2 nach Mittag", also einfach "It's 2 p.m." (im nächsten Satz steht es richtig vorgegeben...)
2. Der Gang zum Einkaufszentrum ist auch eine Tätigkeit, die einige Zeit in Anspruch nimmt, also...

>    He GOES (to go)shopping every Thursday. [ok]

>  6.It's 7p.m. at the moment. John IS REPAIRING (to repair)
>    his motorbike. [ok]

>  7.It' RAINING (to rain) outside. Let's PLAY (to play)
> game boy. [ok]

>  8.Mum IS WORKING(to work)in the garden now. [ok]
>    But she never CUTS (to cut) the roses. [ok]

>  9.We often GO (to go) swimming in the lake. [ok]
>    But today we MUST (must) visit aunt Mary. [ok]

>  10.The Meyers HAVE (to have) a barbecue.

So wie der Satz da steht, sind sie gerade dabei zu grillen und das dauert auch an...

>    They often EAT (to eat) in the garden. [ok]

Soweit meine Anmerkungen - ohne Anspruch auf Vollständigkeit.

Schönen Gruß

present progressive or simple: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 15:06 Mi 09.06.2010
Autor: Copperhead

Vielen dank!
Gruß C.

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