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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - Antworten
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Antworten: Frage (beantwortet)
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 09:03 Mo 14.11.2005
Autor: suzan

hallöchen zusammen,

Beantworten Sie bitte die folgenden Verständnisfragen:

1. Why were Angela and Frank called to the chemnist's?
- They were called to the chemnist's because there was a young man he had produced a prescription they suspected was forged.

2. Why were they waiting in the chemnist's?
- Because they will waited for him to come back to collect it.

3. what happened after Frank was hit by the young man?
- He turned sharply, jumped at Frank and punched him.

4. How did Angela know that Frank was still alive?
- She saw him on the pavement in a pool of blood.

5. When did Angela see the young man again?
- She saw him walking along the road completely relaxed.

6. How did she inform the police?
- Because the young man was a murder and has a knife.

7. Why was she pleased with the information she was given by the ticket collector?
- Because he told her that the man was on his way down to the platforms.

8. Who helped Angela arrest the man?
- The Policeman.

9. Do you think Frank's death could have been prevented? (How?or why not?)
- I think his death couldn't have been precented, because he was to inattentive and he hadn't looked for the knife in the man's hand. When he was more attentive he would still alive.

10. What is your opinion about women joining the police?(write about 70 words for and against!)
- The work of the police is always interesting and never boring. You have the chance to help others and you have a lot of contact with people.
You can exciting lifetimetime career and you must repectect this job.

-The work of the police is for womens  dangerous and not accepted by the public. You need strenght and it is a man's job. You have to wear uniform how the men.

69 wörter.

ok so`?

lg suzan

Antworten: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 17:37 Mo 14.11.2005
Autor: Mysterya

Hallo Suzan

Leider weiß ich manchmal nicht was Du sagen wolltest und habe ja auch keinen Textbezug, aber ich versuche mich einfach trotzdem mal dran.

zu. 1.
Ich würd schreiben:
They were called to the chemnist's, because there was a young man, who had produced a prescription they suspected to be forgotten.

Auch wenn ich den Sinn nicht ganz verstehe, "was forget" ist schonmal grammatisch falsch. Wenn schon "was forgotten" ich denke du müsstest mit "suspected to be forgotten" besser dran sein.

zu 2.

"will waited" *grinst* Da konntest Du dich wohl nicht zwischen Vergangenheit und Zukunft entscheiden.
Willst Du sagen: "Weil sie auf ihn warteten ...." dann nimm "Because they waited for him..."  oder
Willst Du doch eher sagen "Weil sie auf ihn warten werden" dann "Because they will wait for him..."
Falls du vielleicht sagen wolltest, dass "sie auf ihn warten wollen", dann musst du nicht will, sondern want nehmen, also "Because they want to wait for him"
oder in der Vergangenheit "Because they wanted to wait for him" (= Sie wollten auf ihn warten...)

zu 6. Schreib bitte:
Because the young man was a murderer and had a knife.

ermorden = to murder
der Mörder = the murderer

Und wenn du im ersten Teilsatz die Vergangenheitsform nimmst, musst Du das bei "has" auch machen, also "had".

zu 9. Wow was für ein toller Satz. If-clause da bekomme ich echt Probleme. Also Ich (wohlgemerkt) würde mal behaupten, dass es so richtig sein müsste, aber ich gebe keine Garantie:

- I think that his death could not have been prevented, because he was too inattentive and he has not looked for the knife in the man's hand. If he had been more attentive, he still would have been alive.

zu 10.

- The work of the police is always interesting and never boring. You have the chance to help others and you have a lot of contact with people.

Bis dahin oky, aber hier:

You can have an exciting lifetime career (weiß nich ob man das im Englischen überhaupt so sagen würde) and you must respect (?) this job.

Was willst Du mit "you must respect this job" sagen. Ich denke eher andere müssen Respekt vor diesem Job haben, also ich würde scheiben: "And people have to respect this job/position"

-The work of the police is for women (!) dangerous and not accepted by the public. You need strenght (?) and it is a man's job. You have to wear uniform LIKE MEN.

the woman = die Frau (Einzahl)
the women = die Frauen (Mehrzahl)

strenght mm , wenn du Stärke oder Kraft meinst, nimm doch "power" oder "strength" (was du sicherlich meintest). Du könntest auch beide Teilsätze verbinden im Sinne von: Und man braucht Durchsetzungsvermögen in einem "Männerjob" = You need the ability of getting through a man's job.

Bei den anderen Sätzen ist mir nichts weiter aufgefallen.

Antworten: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 23:04 Mi 16.11.2005
Autor: taura

Hallo suzan!

Es ist sehr schwierig, deine Antworten zu kontrollieren, wenn man den Text nicht kennt, um den es geht... Wir haben ja keine Informationen, können also auch nicht entscheiden ob deine Antworten inhaltlich richtig sind. Ich hab ein bisschen das Gefühl, dass da manchmal was nicht ganz stimmt...

Stell doch mal den Text hier rein :-)

LG taura

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