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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - Cartonn description
Cartonn description < Korrekturlesen < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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Cartonn description: Frage (beantwortet)
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 20:58 Mi 30.09.2009
Autor: Frank_BOS

The topic of the given cartoon is lost alone on the ocean.

The cartoon schows us three men in dirty clothes with long hairs on a raft. Behind of the raft are four sharks swiming up and down. The sun is shining at this funny situation.  On looking closely you can see that these three men are working. The man on the left-hand side wears classes and is incinerating sheets of wood which are produced by the other two men. The man who is next on the right is hacking big sheets of wood to little sheets. While the man next on right side is cutting pieces of the raft.

The humor lies in the discrepancy between the raft wich is vital to survive and using it for making fire.

Wäre sehr nett, wenn ihr mir das korrektur lesen würdet und mir kritisiert, was ich besser machen kann.

Cartonn description: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 21:26 Mi 30.09.2009
Autor: rainerS


Hier meine Korrekturvorschläge:

> The topic of the given cartoon is lost alone on the ocean.
> The cartoon schows us shows three men in dirty clothes with long
> hairs in dirty clothes on a raft.

> Behind of the raft are four sharks are swimming
> up and down. The sun is shining at this funny situation.
> On looking closely you can see that these three men are
> working. The man on the left-hand side wears classesglasses and is
> incineratingburning sheets of wood which are produced by the other
> two men. The man who is next to him on the right is hacking big
> sheetslogs of wood into little sheets. While the man next on the very
> right side is cutting pieces of the raft.
> The humor lies in the discrepancycontrast between the raft which is
> vital to survive and using it for making fire.


The humor lies in the contrast between the raft being necessary for survival and taking it apart for making fire.

Viele Grüße


Cartonn description: Frage (überfällig)
Status: (Frage) überfällig Status 
Datum: 21:52 Mi 30.09.2009
Autor: Frank_BOS

erstmal danke danke!

hab derweil nochmal dran gearbeitet:

Wörter die wir diese Woche gelernt haben
to incinerate - verbrennen
vital = essential = unerlässlich

The topic of the given cartoon is lost alone on the ocean.

In the forground you can see three man with long hair in dirty clothes on a raft. Behind of it four sharks are swimming up and down. On looking more closely you can see that the man on the left-hand side is incinerating some wood. The man next to him is hacking wood into little sheets. While the man right next to him is cutting wood-sheets of the raft.

The humor lies in the contrast between the raft which is vital to survive and taking it apart for making fire.

Würde mich freunen, wenn du dich nochmal bemühst. Danke!

> The humor lies in the contrast between the raft being
> necessary for survival and taking it apart for making
> fire.
> Viele Grüße
>     Rainer
> >  

Cartonn description: Fälligkeit abgelaufen
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 22:20 Fr 02.10.2009
Autor: matux

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