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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - Comment Google Maps Street V.
Comment Google Maps Street V. < Korrekturlesen < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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Comment Google Maps Street V.: Korrektur
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 16:12 So 30.05.2010
Autor: Watschel


bitte überprüft einmal meinen Hauptteil:

One big advantage is that you an see anywhere in the world via satellite, so you can show other people the house where you grow up which is far away. Another advantage is taht people can see different examples of architecture. A good pont is also that you can see what a house looks like if you´re trying to find it. Another good thing is that people will be forced not to do embarrassing things in public because everybody can see them - so they can lose their jobs. On Google Maps Street View house buyers also can see a house far away. These are some of the good functions of Google Maps Street View here are some negative aspects:
One big problem is that everybody can see your house and the street where you live.
A bad pint is also that people can see you in embarrassing position for example when you play soccer with your child. Another problem is if you go into a strip - club your wife could see you

Comment Google Maps Street V.: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 23:53 So 30.05.2010
Autor: metalschulze

> bitte überprüft einmal meinen Hauptteil:
> One big advantage is that you can see Objekt: z.B. it anywhere in the world
> via satellite, so you can show other people the house where
> you grow grew up which is far away.

Das ist ein unmöglicher Satz, mach doch da velleicht 2 Sätze draus.

> Another advantage is taht that
> people can see different examples of architecture. A good
> pont point is also that you can see what a house looks like if
> you´re trying to find it. Another good thing is that
> people will be forced not to do embarrassing things in

die Wendung ist: ...be forced to...
in deinem Fall also ...people will be forced to not do embarrassing...

> public because everybody can see them - so they can lose
> their jobs. On Google Maps Street View house buyers also
> can also see a house far away. These are some of the good
> functions of Google Maps Street View , here are some negative
> aspects:
>  One big problem is that everybody can see your house and
> the street where you live.

besser: the street in which you live.

>  A bad point is also that people can see you in embarrassing
> positions for example when you play soccer with your child.

was ist denn daran peinlich mit seinem Kind Fussball zu spielen?

> Another problem is if you go into a strip - club your wife
> could see you

Du kannst dir beim nächsten mal auch etwas mehr Mühe beim eintippen geben, pint und pont  und taht, das macht das lesen und korrigieren nicht gerade eifacher.[kopfschuettel]

Gruß Christian

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