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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - Correction needed! ://
Correction needed! :// < Korrekturlesen < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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Correction needed! ://: Frage (beantwortet)
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 16:44 So 14.02.2010
Autor: bitte

Correction needed! ://

Before the Second World War, most human societies worked in the field of agriculture. Since the 1950s, however, the Industrial Revolution and the increased use of GM methods have led to a loss of the traditional attitude towards farming. The scientific methods of GM, especially make food production faster and easier than ever. Yet, in recent years, the question of the long-term effects of genetic altered food has arisen among many societies. It is obvious that food production in the past of farming industry was far healthier than food production in today's farming industry. The past of farming was traditional, whereas the modern way of farming is based on genetic modification, a scientific method to duplicate the genes of one organism to make many copies of that one organism.  Food experts warn people of the unhealthy impacts of genetically modified food on the human body. GM has, for example, led to serious diseases, such as BSE among cows. Even though BSE primarily affects cows, BSE can easily transmit to humans too because of the meat that humans eat. As a result, food experts recommend eating organic food. Organic food is healthier and more nutritious because it is natural. Yet, if people keep eating genetically modified food, then, on the long run, they ma be suffering from deficiency symptoms since genetically altered food lacks in nutritional quality. To stay healthy, it is therefore important to eat organic food.

Can somebody plz check this extract for grammar mistakes/unlogical sentences? :[ that'd be so greeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatttttttt! ://

Correction needed! ://: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 17:04 So 14.02.2010
Autor: bitte

ah btw, unten muss es illogial statt unlogical heißen lol^^

Correction needed! ://: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 17:05 So 14.02.2010
Autor: pythagora


> Correction needed! ://
>  Before the Second World War, most human societies worked
> in the field of agriculture. Since the 1950s, however, the

in the field of agriculture=?? meinst du im "bereich" der agricultur???

> Industrial Revolution and the increased use of GM methods

was ist GM ??

> have led to a loss of the traditional attitude towards
> farming. The scientific methods of GM, especially make food

besser: especially to make the food production more efficient

> production faster and easier than ever. Yet, in recent
> years, the question of the long-term effects of genetic

gentechnisch verändert=gene-modified

> altered food has arisen among many societies. It is obvious

arise= aufgehen, aufkommen --> da solltest du nach einem besseren wort suchen, finde ich

> that food production in the past of farming industry was
> far healthier than food production in today's farming
> industry.

vllt. noch mal umformulieren, finde ich nicht sooo verständlich

> The past of farming was traditional, whereas the

The past of farming was traditional= die vergangenheit war traditionell?? (ich glaube nicht, dass du das sagen willst, eher in der vergandenheit war ... traditionell)

> modern way of farming is based on genetic modification, a
> scientific method to duplicate the genes of one organism to
> make many copies of that one organism.  

besser: method to make many copies of that one organism by (kopieren der gene) --> in diese richtung bitte noch mal umformulieren, damit du nicht zweimal "one organism" in einem satz hast

> Food experts warn
> people of the unhealthy impacts of genetically modified
> food on the human body. GM has, for example, led to serious
> diseases, such as BSE among cows. Even though BSE primarily
> affects cows, BSE can easily transmit to humans too because

transmit=übermitteln (auch hier wäre ein anderes wort sinnvoll)

> of the meat that humans eat. As a result, food experts
> recommend eating organic food. Organic food is healthier
> and more nutritious because it is natural. Yet, if people

natural?? cows are not natural?? explain what you mean with "Organic food", please!

> keep eating genetically modified food, then, on the long
> run, they ma be suffering from deficiency symptoms since

ma=may.. und das since passt hier nicht wirklich (satz umformulieren)

> genetically altered food lacks in nutritional quality. To
> stay healthy, it is therefore important to eat organic
> food.

Ein wenig umformulieren, dann passt's. Aber sag mal, hast du da zweimal das gleiche gefragt???


Correction needed! ://: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 17:13 So 14.02.2010
Autor: bitte

Hey vielen lieben Dank, Pythagora für deine schnelle Korrektur!! Ja, ich habe aus Versehen doppelt auf den "Sende-Button" geklickt und somit wurde mein Thread zweimal erstellt. >.<

Correction needed! ://: Frage (beantwortet)
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 17:20 So 14.02.2010
Autor: bitte

Ja, ich meinte im "Bereich der Landwirtshaft/Agrikultur". Ich habe vorher mal in "agricultural fields" gesagt, doch mein Lehrer meinte, das sei falsch und meinte ich soll "in the field of agriculture" sagen. Hm, stimmt das denn, was meinst du? ://

Correction needed! ://: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 17:25 So 14.02.2010
Autor: pythagora

stimmt schon... hört sich wahrscheinlich nur ein bici komisch an wegen "agriculture" und "field"
"in the range of" wäre eine Alternative, musst du aber nicht zwingend ändern,.. ist halt geschmackssache^^


Correction needed! ://: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 17:30 So 14.02.2010
Autor: bitte

Ok, dann weiß ich Bescheid, danke, Pythagora! ^^ :D

Correction needed! ://: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 17:34 So 14.02.2010
Autor: pythagora

gerne, dafür nicht^^


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