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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - Englisch zum korrigieren
Englisch zum korrigieren < Korrekturlesen < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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Englisch zum korrigieren: Frage (beantwortet)
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 13:20 Do 26.02.2009
Autor: Dinker

Ich hab nochmals etwas zum korrigieren. Hoffe es ist nicht zuviel

Nr. 1

With the help of the different characters you will "receiv"e more information about the settings and where the persons live.

oder With helping of the different.......


Nr. 2
Further I will illustrate the importance of the places by using the example of the American dream.

Nr. 3
The 1920's are known as "the golden age." A time when money was very abundant and also a time of drinking, partying, jazz.
A lot of people dealing with stock or earn much money in the oil industry, sometimes legal, otherwise illegal.


Nr. 4
Of course Middlewest is also important, but more "as/in" a passive role.

Nr. 5
at a later date = zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt. Gibt es da nichts besser klingenderes?


Nr. 6
You can see this fact obviously between Gatsby and Daisy. I will give more detail information about it later.  

Nr. 7
Further the East Egg citizen are rooted with their place, because they live there for generation, meanwhile the West Egg people came recently from the different directions.

Nr. 8
So maybe the West Egg citizens are an allegory of himself.

Nr. 9
To see it. from a different perspective the burning old soil can also be a symbol for a new beginning and new hope, for what it will come next.
Nr. 10
.....Because New York is for the most characters another place and symbol different things, therefore it has more than one function.
Nr. 11
Valley of ashes represents modern society and the destruction that has caused. It’s a place where the waste people are
Nr. 12
To Gatsby mansion, Daisy and Tom Buchanan mansion and George and Myrtle garage, "it comes later on" - sollte heissen, dass ich später etwas dazu erzählen werde.

Nr. 13
Unfortunately it’s necessary to told something about the traits of the persons although this isn’t my task.

Nr. 14
At the worst case they lose their home, social contact and end in the valley of ashes, where they have no future. They have to pay for the management mistakes, which is a certain unfair fact.
Nr. 15
Sie sind nicht interessiert im Rampenlicht zu stehen.
Ich weiss nicht wie man das passend sagen könnte
Nr. 16
These are the people we don’t know really much because they prefer to live withdrawn.

Nr. 17
New York City is a place, which has several functions: To escape from the life, to have fun and be reckless.


Nr. 18
And finally I will try to accompany a link with the social classes nowadays.
Nr. 19
Can someone read at page.... "from" line .... "to" .....

Nr. 20
I will enumerate several characters and mention the meaning of New York City for them


Nr. 21
They live above a gas station in the valley of the Ashes


Nr. 22
They have all been uprooted and moved in searching of some better destiny

Vielen besten Dank für deine Bemühungen
Gruss Dinker

Englisch zum korrigieren: Vorschlag: numerieren
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 13:40 Do 26.02.2009
Autor: angela.h.b.

> Hallo
>  Ich hab nochmals etwas zum korrigieren. Hoffe es ist nicht
> zuviel


versieh doch Deine Sätze mit fortlaufenden Nummern.

Wenn die Betreffs von den Antwortenden z.B. mit "zu 1. und 5" versehen werden, sieht jeder gleich, was noch unbeantwortet ist, und es können sich verschiedene Leute zu verschiedenen Zeiten darüberhermachen.

Gruß v. Angela

Englisch zum korrigieren: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 13:50 Do 26.02.2009
Autor: Dinker

Hallo Angela
Besten Dank für deinen Hinweis.
Werde es gleich machen...
Gruss Dinker

Englisch zum korrigieren: zu 1., 7., 13., 15.
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 14:50 Do 26.02.2009
Autor: mmhkt

Guten Tag,
um mal den Anfang zu machen - hier einige Vorschläge:

Zu 1.
"With the help" würde ich stehen lassen.
Statt "receive" ginge auch "get".

Zu 7.
Further the East Egg citizens are rooted with their place, because they live there for generations, meanwhile the West Egg people recently came from the different directions.

Zu 13.
Unfortunately it’s necessary to told tell something about the traits of the persons although this isn’t my task.
(Aber warum unglücklicherweise? - Vielleicht besser: "zum Verständnis" oder "zum besseren Verständnis".
Deine Formulierung erweckt den Eindruck, als würden die Zuhörer deines Vortrages darunter zu leiden haben, dass Du etwas ausholen musst.)

Zu 15.
Sie sind nicht interessiert im Rampenlicht zu stehen.
They are not interested in standing in the spotlight.

Schönen Gruß

Englisch zum korrigieren: zu 9. - 10.
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 21:25 Do 26.02.2009
Autor: mmhkt

Guten Abend,
noch eine kleine Portion:

zu Nr. 9
To see it from a different perspective, the burning old soil can also be a symbol for a new beginning and new hope, for what it will come next.

zu Nr. 10
Because New York is for the most characters another place and symbol different things, therefore it has more than one function.

Vorschlag: Because for most of the characters New York is another place and a symbol for different things,...

oder: Because for most of the characters New York is another place, symbolizing different things,...

Schönen Abend

Englisch zum korrigieren: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 21:57 Do 26.02.2009
Autor: Dinker

Hallo mmhkt

Besten Dank für deine Bemühungen
Gruss Dinker

Englisch zum korrigieren: Nr. 5
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 14:31 Fr 27.02.2009
Autor: Josef

Hallo Dinker,

>  Nr. 5
>  at a later date = zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt. Gibt es da
> nichts besser klingenderes?

at a future date

Viele Grüße

Englisch zum korrigieren: Nr. 19
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 14:59 Fr 27.02.2009
Autor: Josef

Hallo Dinker,

>  Nr. 19
>  Can someone read at page.... "from" line .... "to" .....

Mein Vorschlag:

Can someone read on page ...  from line ... to ...

Viele Grüße

Englisch zum korrigieren: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 00:18 Mo 02.03.2009
Autor: die-nini

Ich hab nochmals etwas zum korrigieren. Hoffe es ist nicht zuviel

Nr. 1

With the help of the different characters you will "receiv"e more information about the settings and where the persons live.

oder With helping of the different.......

hier With helping the different...

oder with the aid of the...

Nr. 2
Further I will illustrate the importance of the places by using  AN example of the American dream.

Nr. 3
The 1920's are known as "the golden age." A time when money was very abundant and also a time of drinking, partying, jazz.
A lot of people DEALT with stock or EARNED much money in the oil industry, sometimes legal, otherwise illegal.


Nr. 4
Of course Middlewest is also important, but more AS a passive role.

Nr. 5
at a later date = zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt. Gibt es da nichts besser klingenderes? Later, würde ich nur sagen... oder After... such and such..


Nr. 6
OBVIOUSLY, you can see this fact  between Gatsby and Daisy. I will give more detail information about it later.  

Nr. 7
Further the East Egg citizenS are rooted with their place, because they live for generation there , meanwhile the West Egg people came recently from the different directions.

Nr. 8
So maybe the West Egg citizens are an allegory of himself.

Nr. 9
To see it. from a different perspective the burning old soil can also be a symbol for a new beginning and new hope, for what it will come next.
Nr. 10
.....Because New York is for the most characters another place and symbol different things, therefore it has more than one function.
Nr. 11
Valley of ashes represents modern society and the destruction that has caused.. ja was denn???  It’s a place where the waste people are
Nr. 12
To Gatsby mansion, Daisy and Tom Buchanan mansion and George and Myrtle garage, "it comes later on" - sollte heissen, dass ich später etwas dazu erzählen werde. I will mention it later, or It will be mentioned later on.

Nr. 13
Unfortunately it’s necessary to TELL !!! something about the traits of the persons although this isn’t my task.

Nr. 14
At the worst case they LOST their home, social contact and end in the valley of ashes  where they have no future. They have to pay for the management mistakes which is a certain unfair fact.  bei relativsätze kein KOMMA!
Nr. 15
Sie sind nicht interessiert im Rampenlicht zu stehen.
Ich weiss nicht wie man das passend sagen könnt. There are not interested in being famous.
Nr. 16
These are the people we don’t know really much because they prefer to live withdrawn.

Nr. 17
New York City is a place, which has several functions: To escape from the life: to have fun and be reckless.


Nr. 18
And finally I will try to accompany a link with the social classes nowadays.
Nr. 19
Can someone read at page.... "from" line .... "to" .....

Nr. 20
I will enumerate several characters and mention the meaning of New York City for them


Nr. 21
They live above a gas station in the valley of the Ashes


Nr. 22
They have all been uprooted and moved in LOOKING FOR A better destiny

Ok, that's all. I hope I could help you, I marked almost all mistakes in CAPITAL LETTERS! Ok, but you should still correct it with your notes;)
Take Care

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