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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - Korrektur
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Korrektur: Frage (beantwortet)
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Datum: 23:16 Mi 18.04.2007
Autor: LaBella

Hat vielleciht irgendjemand lust diesen text für mich zu korrigieren??
wär total lieb...danke schon mal im vorhinein und liebe grüße bella

In general I´m not a big fan of advertisement and I hate especially this ones on television.
Because for me it´s pretty annoying when I´m watching a film which is constantly interrupted by one advert after another.
But there are always exceptions.
I know for example lots of very beautiful perfume adverts which are for instace mapped in magazines.
A few years ago there was an advertising campaign of „Calvin Klein“.
It attracted an unisex fragrance and the adverts in the magazines were very beautiful.
They were pictures in black and white and it was a kissing couple on it.
After a time a second Version oft this advert was puplished it showed again this kissing couple but in an other position.
And even it was not as good as the first virsion I liked it also very much.
I collected lots of this adverts and decorated my room with them.
Two of them hang still over my bed.
Another advertising what I liked very much was a spot on tv which compaigned for a underwear collection of H&M.
I still remember this beautiful song which was played during the spot.
From my point of view the backround music is one of the most important things in an adertising spot.  Especially if it is a very famous song because so you always keep the advert in mind if you hear this song anywhere.

Korrektur: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 19:18 Do 19.04.2007
Autor: Princess17

In general I´m not a big fan of advertisement and I hate especially the ones on television.
Because  it´s pretty annoying for me when I´m watching a film which is constantly interrupted by one advert after another.
But there are always exceptions.
I know for example lots of very beautiful perfume adverts which are for instance mapped in magazines.
A few years ago there was an advertising campaign of „Calvin Klein“.
It attracted a unisex fragrance (u wird wie "ju" gesprochen, deshalb kein an) and the adverts in the magazines were very beautiful.
There were pictures in black and white and you could see a kissing couple on it.
After some time, a second Version of this advert was puplished showing again this kissing couple but in another position.
Although it was not as good as the first virsion I liked it also very much.
I collected lots of these adverts and decorated my room with them.
Two of them still hang over my bed.
Another advertising which I liked very much was a spot on tv which compaigned for a underwear collection of H&M.
I still remember this beautiful song which was played during the spot.
From my point of view the backround music is one of the most important things in an adertising spot.  Especially if it is a very famous song because so you always keep the advert in mind if you hear this song anywhere.

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