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Korrektur: Immigrants
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 19:20 Do 25.09.2008
Autor: LenaLein

Wir sollten in einem längeren Text schreiben, warum wir gerne in ein anderes Land auswandern würden.

Ich habe diese Frage in keinem Forum auf anderen Internetseiten gestellt

Könntet ihr mir vielleicht sagen, was ich an meinen Text verbessern könnte, auf was  ich mehr achten sollte ?

Why is immigrating good ?

I saw an interesting programme on Tv last day. The programm shows people who emmigrate into another country, for example spain. I want to immigrate in another country like spain, too because there are better conditions. The wether is often good, so you are happy most of the time. In addition you learn a lot of cultures and traditions. The important point for immigrants are that you can start a new life. You get new friends and new Impressions of the world.
Of course I have to leave my family, but I am always in contact with them because of the technology (I-net, telefon and so on) .
Most of my family say that I lost my roots and become a real spain.
I say, I will never forget  where I come from.
Immigrants are adventurers who get a new chance to handle their lifes.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen Lena

Korrektur: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 22:12 Do 25.09.2008
Autor: mmhkt

Why is immigrating good ? - auswandern willst Du, das wäre "emigrate" oder als Auswanderung "emigration".

I saw (watched) an interesting programme on Tv last day. The programme shows (showed - war ja gestern...) people who emmigrate (emigrated - mit einem "m") into another country, for example spain. (Ländernamen groß: Spain) I want to immigrate (emigrate to) another country like Spain, too, because there are better conditions. The weather is often good, so you are happy most of the time. In addition you learn a lot about cultures and traditions. The important point for immigrants are ("is", wenn es nur ein important point ist) that you (wenn Du "you" benutzt, solltest Du vorher "for emigration" schreiben - willst Du emigrants/immigrants beibehalten, wäre "that they can start..." besser)can start
a new life. You get new friends and new impressions of the world.
Of course I have to leave my family, but I am always in contact with them because of the technology (I-net, telefon and so on).
(vielleicht so: ...in contact with them via I-net, telephone...
Most of my family say that I lost (will lose) my roots and become a real spain. (Spanish oder Spaniard)
I say, I will never forget  where I come from.
Immigrants are adventurers who get a new chance to handle their lifes.

Hat etwas länger gedauert als geplant, aber ich hoffe, es hilft dir etwas weiter.

Schönen Gruß

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