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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - Korrektur
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Korrektur: Frage (beantwortet)
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 09:42 Do 25.06.2009
Autor: Dinker

Ich wäre ungemein dankbar um Korrektur

Aldous Huxley wants to point out the danger of modern technology and how they can’t be misuse.
Another aspect would be that is possible to reach a superficial happiness for all. But the price the Brave new World citizens have to pay for it definitely too high. They must sacrifice religion, family life, free will, their independence, culture and their individuality.
In our society we have a lot of the tendency that are mention in BNW, for example, mass consumerism, mass entertainment, cloning, misuse of technology and family life drift apart. Therefore this novel is a warning that our trends don’t end in the same way as Brave new World.  

To ensure the happiness, the government uses a lot of measure: The people are genetic produce and program that they fit exactly in their designated place. After the birth the manipulation continues with Hypnopaedia, brainwashing, solidarity services, mass entertainment, drugs and the children are already educated in their first year so that they act in the right way.  

In Fahrenheit the totalitarianism control the people’s life. They haven’t a private life or are allowed to make their own decision. The government tries to prevent at all cost that the people begins to think or question the things. Therefore everyone who deviates from the norm is pursued, because they endanger the stability. A very central role plays books. In books you can find different opinions which can cause conflict or offend people, therefore it must be banished. Books also allow the people to make their own thought, what the government tries to avoid.

Vielen Dank

Korrektur: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 14:39 Do 25.06.2009
Autor: M.Rex


Aldous Huxley wants to point out the danger of modern technology and how they can’t be misuse??. Another aspect would be, that is possible to reach a superficial happiness for all. But the price the Brave new World citizens have to pay for it, is definitely too high. They must sacrifice religion, family life, free will, their independence, culture and their individuality. Einheitlich lassen, entweder überall ein their oder gar keins In our society we have a lot of the tendencyies, that are mentioned in BNW, for example, mass consumerism, mass entertainment, cloning, misuse of technology and family  life drift apart an die Aufzählung vorher anpassen. Therefore this novel is a warning, that our trends don’t end in the same way as Brave new World.  

To ensure the happiness, the government uses a lot of measure: The people are genetic produce and program thatwhich they fit exactly in their designated place. After the birth the manipulation continues with Hypnopaedia, brainwashing, solidarity services, mass entertainment, drugs and the children are already educated in their first year, so that they act in the right way.  

In Fahrenheit the totalitarianism control the people’s life. They haven’t a private life or are allowed to make their own decision. The government tries to prevent at all cost that the people begins to think or question the things??. Therefore everyone who deviates from the norm is pursued, because they endanger the stability. A very central role plays books. In books you can find different opinions which can cause conflict or offend people, therefore itthey must be banishned. Books also allow the people to make their own thoughtopinion, whatich the government tries to avoid.

> Vielen Dank


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