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Forum "Übersetzung" - Korrektur
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Korrektur: Frage (beantwortet)
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 09:08 So 09.08.2009
Autor: Dinker


Wäre dankbar um Korrektur

They lose every sense of human being

Very obviously in this dystopian story is he suppression of individuality. The individual has to subordinate his interesting and values to the societies interestings. Therefore the people have no rights and aren’t allowed to develop their own identity and values. In the authors warning the suppression of the individuality plays a significant part. Human being isn’t treat with dignity but they are manipulated during the whole life.

Clarisse and Montag’s wife are exactly the opposite.
Clarisse is in harmony with nature, has a distinct sense of individuality. She is associated with the colour white, what symbols her purity. She doesn’t like car speeding spends her time with meaningless entertainment activity, so that he is considered as unorthodox and must go to a psychologist. The reader can feel her inner life and the warmth, that she widespreads. Furtheremore she is inquisitive, wants to know more about Montag and likes to exchange ideas. She also remember the past.

In contrast Mildred is spiritual death. By disturbing herself permanently she tries to escape from the reality. She ignores everything unpleasant. For example she doesn’t want to discuss about her suicide attempt.

Technology plays an important part by the societies change.
By the societies change technology a decisive role. For example TV replaces real communication, to spend time in nature is replaced by mindless mass entertainment. And also technology as the mechanical hound is responsible to ensure that the people abide by the rule.

In the parental home you learn a lot of important things. For example to behave decently or to treat others with dignity. All this ethical principles are alien for the Brave new World people.

Gruss Dinker

Korrektur: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 20:27 So 09.08.2009
Autor: searchgirl

They lose every sense of human being

Very obviously in this dystopian story is his suppression of individuality. The individual has to subordinate his interests and values to the public/social interests . Therefore the people have no rights and aren’t allowed to develop their own identity and values. In the authors warning the suppression of the individuality plays a significant part.
Human being isn’t treat with dignity but they are manipulated during the whole life.

Clarisse and Montag’s wife are exactly the opposite.
Clarisse is in harmony with nature, has a distinct auch möglich distinctive sense of individuality. She is associated with the colour white, what symbols her purity. She doesn’t like car speeding spends her time with meaningless entertainment activity, so that she is considered as unorthodox and must go to a psychologist. The reader can feel her inner life and the warmth auch möglich: warmness , that she widespreads. Furtheremore she is inquisitive besser: enquiring , wants to know more about Montag and likes to exchange ideas. She also remember the past.

In contrast Mildred is spiritual death was möchtest du damit sagen? entweder fehlt ein Artikel oder da stimmt etwas mit dem Inhalt nicht . By disturbing herself permanently she tries to escape from the reality. She ignores everything "unpleasant" würde ich weglassen oder den Satz neu strukturieren . For example she doesn’t want to discuss about her suicide attempt.

Technology plays an important part by the social changes.
By the social changes technologies play decisive roles. For example TV replaces real communication, to spend time in nature is replaced by mindless mass entertainment. And also technology as the mechanical hound is responsible to ensure that the people abide by the rule.

In the parental home you learn a lot of important things. For example to behave decently or to treat other humans with dignity. All this ethical principles are alien for the Brave new World people.

Hoffe du siehst durch.

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