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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - New Zealand Vortrag
New Zealand Vortrag < Korrekturlesen < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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New Zealand Vortrag: Korrektur
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 10:39 So 28.06.2009
Autor: silfide

Hallo Leute,

fertig ist mein Vortrag noch nicht, aber ich dachte mir, wenn ich schon mal reinstelle was ich habe, ist die Chance größer das ein gutherziger Mensch mir da Hilfestellung leistet. Mein Englisch wird zwar besser, aber von gut ist es noch weit entfernt ...
Der Vortrag ist in Bezug u.a. zu einer Präsentation gestaltet.

New Zealand
I would like to tell you something about New Zealand.
First I will tell you some facts. Then I’ll speak about history, more precisely about colonialism from New Zealand. Ongoing at it a lit bit about nature, economy and places of interest for me.

New Zealand is an island country in the south western Pacific Ocean comprising the North Island, the South Island and numerous smaller islands. It is a geographic isolated Island country with an total land area out of 268,680 (und wie spreche ich diese Zahl aus?)square kilometers.

At this picture you can see New Zealand in greater detail. Here you see among others the capital city Wellington and the largest city Auckland.

In New Zealand live over 4 million people. The most live on the North Island and only one million live on the South Island. The great mixture of peoples is caused by the colonialism. But 78% of population identify with European ethnic groups. An interested fact is that some people identify with more than one ethnic group. That the reason why you got more than 100% when you added it.

The New Zealand dollar ($/NZD) is the currency of New Zealand. On last Saturday you got for on euro about 2 Dollars.
The picture shows the 100 New Zealand dollar note with Ernest Rutherford who became known as the father of nuclear physics on the obverse side and the yellowhead on the reverse side. (The yellowhead is a bird endemic the South Island of New Zealand.)

Now, I give you some money in Hand so you could look better.

This is the flag of New Zealand. It is a defaced Blue Ensign with the Union Jack in the canton, and four red stars with white borders to the right. The stars represent the constellation of Crux, the Southern Cross, as seen from New Zealand. The Union Jack recalls New Zealand's colonial ties to Britain and the membership at Commonwealth of Nations.

I want tell you something about history about the flag of New Zealand.

In 1830 Customs officials has seized a New Zealand trading ship because the ship had been sailing without a flag and that was a violation of British navigation laws. The main problem was that among the passengers on the ship were two high-ranking Māori chiefs. It was clear that New Sealand need a flag, but that wasn’t easy to find the right one. A new flag debate has started for few years.

The coat of arms of New Zealand is the official symbol of New Zealand.
As you can see in the picture is in shield the Southern Cross as a symbol for the state and also symbols for agriculture, husbandry and mining.
The shield is supported by two figures, a blonde woman of European descent holding the New Zealand flag, and a Māori warrior holding a taiaha (Māori ceremonial spear). The shield is topped with the St Edward's Crown (ties to Britain), and beneath the shield are two silver fern leaves and a scroll bearing the words "New Zealand".

New Zealand has three official languages. English was the only official language until 1987. Māori became an official language under the 1987 and New Zealand Sign Language under the 2006.
But English is spoken by 98% of the population.
Māori is an elective subject at school for this reason Māori don’t fall into oblivion. Only 4 % speaks Māori. New Zealand Sign Language is the first Sign Language with the status as an official language.

I will now talk about colonialism.
The first settlers were Eastern Polynesians who went to New Zealand, probably in a series of migrations, sometime between around 700 and 2000 years ago.
I think the picture perfectly shows how Polynesians settle New Zealand.
As there saw the land mass they called it Aotearoa – The land of the long white cloud.
Over the following centuries these settlers developed into a distinct culture now known as Māori.

Here you see an Outrigger-Canoe which there used to settle New Zealand.
In the next picture, you can see a Māori warrior with typical tattoo. At this picture you see it too.
Here is another pictures who you see their handcrafts. This is a knife and here you see a carving at Waitangi day (the Waitangi day is a national holiday in memory on the signing Treaty of Waitangi.

Māori have their own language, who called Te Reo Māori. First it was only a verbal language and later using the Roman alphabet to write Māori words.

Next you listen "God Defend New Zealand " That is one of the national anthems of New Zealand, together with "God Save the Queen", because I may that you listen some Te Reo Māori.

Europeans came to New Zealand in increasing numbers from the late 18th century, and the weapon technologies and diseases they brought with them destabilised Māori society. After 1840, Māori lost much of their land and went into a cultural and numerical decline, but their population began to increase again from the late 19th century, and a cultural revival began in the 1960s.
The first Europeans known to have reached New Zealand were Dutch explorer Abel Janszoon Tasman and his crew in 1642. Māori killed several of the crew. On year later a new expedition starts under Hendrik Brouwer, who gave the land mass the name Nova Zeelandia in Latin or Nieuw Zeeland in Dutch like the province Zeeland, because Australian was named Nova Hollandia or Nieuw Holland.

The British explorer James Cook reached New Zealand in 1769 and mapped almost the entire coastline. Following Cook, New Zealand was visited by numerous European and North American whaling, sealing and trading ships.

You remember that European has bloody conflicts with Māori. That stopped with Treaty of Waitangi (a contract), which had make New Zealand to a colony of Great Britain.

New Zealand Vortrag: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 17:18 So 28.06.2009
Autor: M.Rex


Hier mal einige (also ohne Anspruch auf Vollständigkeit) Verbesserungsvorschläge und Korrekturen.

New Zealand
I would like to tell you something about New Zealand.
First I will tell you some facts. Then I’ll speak about history, more precisely about colonialism from New Zealand. Ongoing at it a litle bit about nature, economy and places of interest for me.

New Zealand is an island country in the south western Pacific Ocean comprising the North Island, the South Island and numerous smaller islands. It is a geographic isolated Island country with an total land area out of 268,680 square kilometers.[green]Hier würde ich von ca 270.000 km² sprechen, und das mit D vergleichen)

At this picturemap you can see New Zealand in greater detail more detailled Here you see among others the capital city Wellington and the largest city Auckland.
In New Zealand live over 4 million people NZL has over 4 mio inhabintnts . They mostly live on the North Island and only one million live on the South Island. The great mixture of peoples is caused by the colonialism. But 78% of population identify with European
ethnic groups. An interested fact is that some people identify with more than one ethnic group. That's the reason, whyBecause of that, you got more than 100% when you added it.

The New Zealand dollar ($/NZD) is the currency of New Zealand. On last Saturday you got for on euro about 2 Dollars. The picture shows the 100 New Zealand dollar note with Ernest Rutherford who became known as the father of nuclear physics on the obverse side and the yellowhead on the reverse side. (The yellowhead is a bird endemic the South Island of New Zealand.)
Now, I give you some money in Hand so you could look better. Her ist some NZD, so you can see it

This is the flag of New Zealand. It is a defaced Blue Ensign with the Union Jack in the canton, and four red stars with white borders to the right. The stars represent the constellation of Crux, the Southern Cross, as seen from
New Zealand. The Union Jack recalls New Zealand's colonial ties to Britain and the membership at Commonwealth of Nations.
I want tell you something about history about the flag of New Zealand.

In 1830 Customs officials has seized a New Zealand trading ship because the ship had been sailing without a flag and that was a violation of British navigation laws. The main problem was, that among the passengers on the ship were two high-ranking Māori chiefs. It was clear, that New SZealand needs a flag, but thatit wasn’t easy to find the right one. A new flag debate has started for few years.

The coat of arms of New Zealand is the official symbol of  New Zealand.
As you can see in the picture is in shield the Southern Cross as a symbol for the state and also symbols for agriculture, husbandry and mining. The shield is supported by two figures, a blonde woman of European descent holding the New Zealand flag, and a Māori warrior holding a taiaha (Māori ceremonial spear). The shield is topped with the St Edward's Crown (ties to Britain), and beneath the shield are two silver fern_leaves and a scroll bearing the words "New Zealand".
New Zealand has three official languages. English was the only official language until 1987. Māori became an official language under thein 1987 and New Zealand Sign Language under thein 2006.
But English is spoken by 98% of the population. Māori is an elective subject at school for this reason Māori don’t fall into oblivion. Only 4 % speaks Māori. New Zealand Sign Language is the first Sign Language with the status as an official language.

I will now talk about colonialism.
The first settlers were Eastern Polynesians, who went to New  Zealand, probably in a series of migrations, sometime between around 700 and 2000 years ago betwen the 14th and the 19th century oder between 1300 and 1800 Ich nehme mal an, dass die 2000 ein Schreibfehler ist.
I think the picture perfectly shows,how Polynesians settle New Zealand.
AsWhen therey saw the land mass they called it Aotearoa – "The land of the long white cloud".
Over the following centuries these settlers developed into a distinct culture now known as Māori.
Here you see an Outrigger-Canoe, which therey used to settle New Zealand.
In the next pictures, you can see a Māori warrior with atypical tattoo. At this picture you see it too.
Here is another pictures, whowhere you see their handcrafts.
This is a knife and here you see a carving at Waitangi day (the Waitangi day is a national holiday in memory on the signing Treaty of Waitangi.

Māori have their own language, who called Te Reo Māori. First it was only a verbal language and later using the Roman alphabetwas used to write Māori words.
Next you listen toone of the national antemsof NZL "God Defend New Zealand" That is one of the national anthems of New Zealand, together with Another one is "God Save the Queen", because I may thatwant you to some Te Reo Māori.

Europeans came to New Zealand in increasing numbers from the late 18th century, and the weapon technologies and diseases, which they brought with them destabilised Māori society. After 1840, Māori lost much of their land and went into a cultural and numerical decline, but their population began to increase again from the late 19th century, and a cultural revival began in the 1960s.
The first Europeans known to have reached New Zealand, were Dutch explorer Abel Janszoon Tasman and his crew in 1642. Māori killed several of the crew. On year later a new expedition starts under Hendrik Brouwer, who gave the land mass the name Nova Zeelandia in Latin or Nieuw Zeeland in Dutch like the province Zeeland, because Australian was named Nova Hollandia or Nieuw Holland.

The British explorer James Cook reached New Zealand in 1769 and mapped almost the entire coastline. Following Cook, New Zealand was visited by numerous European and North American whaling, sealing and trading ships.

You remember that European has bloody conflicts with Māori. That stopped with Treaty of Waitangi. By this (a contract), which had make New Zealand became to a colony of Great Britain.


New Zealand Vortrag: Frage (beantwortet)
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 20:03 So 28.06.2009
Autor: silfide

Vielen Dank für deine Hilfe - Marius.

Nun bin ich auch mit dem Rest fertig - wer will??

Let me begin by explaining why flora and fauna are so extraordinary on New Zealand.
The island group has separate form all other land mass for long time ago, that vegetation types developed independent.
You see Castle Hill with vegetation like steppes.
That is Waitakere Ranges with at subtropical vegetation
And the rainforest abuts on the Franz-Josef-Glacier.
Straggly beaches like on the Kahurangi National park exists too.
Now I want to give you an insight into flora on New Zealand.
About 80% flora you found only in New Zealand.
The two main types of forest are those dominated by podocarpus and the giant kauri. Very impressive are tree ferns like silver fern.
A lot of alcoves, which normal filled with mammals, were filled by bird – a lot of them couldn’t fly like kiwi, kakapo and weka.
The Cost branch off by penguin’s species and seals special like New Zealand sea lion.
Moa has extinct, because there have been food for raptorial birds like Haast’s eagle.
And Hector’s Dolfin will extinct in ten generations.
New Zealand’s Economy dependent on oversea trade. New Zealand deals mainly with USA, Australian and Asain countries. It exports milk, butter, cheese, wool, seafood and fruits.
At the silent film era of exist basically documentaries.
New Zealand had been to a film land in recent years and movies like The Lord of the rings or The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe filmed in New Zealand.
Now I want talk about places of interest
Ninety Mile Beach
Ninety Mile Beach is a beach located on the western coast of the far north of the North Island of New Zealand. The name Ninety Mile Beach is a misnomer because it is actually 55 miles (88 Kilometers) long. The reason for its name is unknown.
The Beach is official a part of interstate highway system.

Auckland is the largest city in New Zealand and has a lot of tourist attractions like Harbour Bridge - connecting Auckland and the North Shore City, an iconic symbol of Auckland or Sky Tower - the tallest free-standing structure in the Southern Hemisphere it is 328 m (1,076 ft) tall and has excellent panoramic views.
(360-degree view from Sky Tower).

Lake Taupo
If you go boating on the lake, you will see Rock Carving created by Māori.

Wellington is believed to be cultural heart of the country. Lovely is for example House of Parliament, botanical garden or Ben Hana –the blanket man – a beggar. He sit always with shorts and a blank at Courtenay Place in Wellington in Summer and Winter

Many Hector's Dolphins may be found within Akaroa harbour, and 'swim with the dolphins' boat tours are a major tourist attraction.

Aoraki/Mount Cook is the highest mountain in New Zealand, reaching a height of 3,754 metres (12,316 ft). It lies in the Southern Alps, the mountain range which runs the length of the South Island.

New Zealand is part of the ring of fire, so you have increased volcanic Activity. If you would see volcano’s, hot spring or geysers, you could visited Bay of plenty

New Zealand has also a lot of national park for example Westland or Fiordland.
The European settlers bought cats and dogs on the Island country, which caused a minimization of the fauna. Cats eat birds. And Maori eat birds, too – because on New Zealand were not any mammals. A large part of the forest has been cleared, because they need more land for agriculture.
Today, politicians try to resettle native birds and kill of established animals like cats (castration).
And it exist a development plan for Maori to conservation Maori and they culture.

The picture shows a telephone box on Stewart island.

New Zealand Vortrag: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 11:32 Mo 29.06.2009
Autor: M.Rex

> Vielen Dank für deine Hilfe - Marius.
> Nun bin ich auch mit dem Rest fertig - wer will??

Let me begin bystart to explaining, why flora and fauna are so extraordinary on New Zealand.
The island group [s]haswas[/red]separated formfrom all other land mass for long time ago, thatso vegetation types developed independent.
You see Castle Hill with vegetation like steppes. That is Waitakere Ranges with at subtropical vegetation.  And the rainforest abuts on the Franz-Josef-Glacier.
Straggly beaches like on the Kahurangi National park exists too.
Now I want to give you an insight into flora on New Zealand.
About 80% flora you found only in New Zealand.
The two main types of forest are those dominated by podocarpus and the giant kauri. Very impressive are tree ferns like silver fern.
A lot of alcoves, which normal filled with mammals, were filled by bird – a lot of them couldn'tcan't fly  like kiwi, kakapo and weka.
The Cost branch off by penguin’s species and seals special like New Zealand sea lion.
Moa has extinct, because there have been food for raptorial birds like Haast’s eagle.
And Hector’s Dolfin will extinct in ten generations.

New Zealand’s Eeconomy is dependent on oversea trade. New Zealand deals mainly with USA, Australian and Asian countries. It exports milk, butter, cheese, wool, seafood and fruits.
At the silent film era of exist basically documentaries??. New Zealand had been to a film land in recent years and movies like "The Llord of the rings" or "The Cchronicles of Narnia": "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe" were filmed in New Zealand.

Now I want to talk about places of interest
Ninety Mile Beach
Ninety Mile Beach is a beach located on the western coast of the far north of the North Island of New Zealand. The name Ninety Mile Beach is a misnomer because it is actually 55 miles (88 Kilometers) long. The reason for its name is unknown.
The Beach is official a part of interstate highway system.
Auckland is the largest city in New Zealand and has a lot of tourist attractions like Harbour Bridge - connecting Auckland and the North Shore City, an iconic symbol of Auckland, or Sky Tower - the tallest free-standing structure in the Southern Hemisphere, iswhich is 328 m (1,076 ft) tall and has excellent panoramic views. (360-degree view from Sky Tower).
Lake Taupo
If you go boating on the lake, you will see Rock Carving created by Māori.

Wellington is believed to becalled cultural heart of the country. Lovely is for example House of Parliament, botanical garden or Ben Hana –the blanket man – a beggar. He sit always with shorts and a blank at Courtenay Place in Wellington in Summer and Winter.  

Many Hector's Dolphins may be found within Akaroa harbour, and ' swiming with the dolphins' boat tours areis a major tourist attraction.
Aoraki/Mount Cook is the highest mountain in New Zealand, reaching a height of 3,754 metres (12,316 ft). It liesis in the Southern Alps, the mountain range which runs the length of the South Island.
New Zealand is part of the ring of fire, so you have increased volcanic activity. If you would see volcano’s, hot spring or geysers, you cshould visited Bay of plenty
New Zealand has also a lot of national park for example Westland or Fiordland.
The European settlers bought cats and dogs on the Island country, which caused a minimization of the fauna. Cats eat birds. And Maori eat birds, too – because on New Zealand were not any mammals. A large part of the forest has been cleared, because they need more land for agriculture.
Today, politicians try to resettle native birds and kill of established animals like cats (castration)?? Widerspruch zum vorigen Satz.
And it exist a development plan for Maori to conservationrescue Maori and theyir culture.
Theis picture shows a telephone box on Stewart island.


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