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Aufgabe | A high school year abroad is something for me, because there are so many advantages, but also disadvantages. On the one hand, you can learn a new necessary language, adapt to new habits or you can improve your language so that you are able to speak very well and understand lots of things. Furthermore, you gain experience and you become familiar with foreign traditions and customs. Moreover, you get to know new friends. An other point i would like to mention is that you live a different lifestyle and develop self-cofidence. But on the other hand, maybe, you end up in a unfriendly family or the area or the place is very boring.
I have come to the conclusion that a high school year abroad is a good idea, because there are so many good arguments.
Hallo Freund,
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Vielen, vielen Dank für eure HIlfe schon im Voraus!
Liebe Grüße
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Status: |
(Antwort) fertig | Datum: | 18:01 Sa 29.09.2007 | Autor: | moody |
Soll das eine Art Bewerbungsschreiben sein? Wenn ja guck dir mal an wie man formal letters strukturiert.
> A high school year abroad is something for me
Also erstmal kann man ist etw. für mich so nicht übersetzen. "An high school year abroad would be an adequate chance for me"
> because there are so many advantages, but also disadvantages.
Und ich glaube nicht das die Menge der Vor und Nachteile der Grund dafür ist.
> On the one hand, you can learn a new necessary language
Würde ich so auch nicht sagen, du lernst ja keine notwendige Sprache sondern eher notwendigerweise "necessarily one have to learn the foreign language
> But on the other hand, maybe, you end up in a unfriendly family or the area or the place is very boring.
Das ist doch kein richtiges Gegenargument, ausserdem ist der Satzbau (vor allem durch das maybe da mittendrin) Mist.
> I have come to the conclusion that a high school year abroad is a good idea, because there are so many good arguments.
Schreib doch einen Hauptgrund auf und nicht nur weil es viele gute Argumente gibt.