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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - korrektur eines märchens.. =)
korrektur eines märchens.. =) < Korrekturlesen < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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korrektur eines märchens.. =): wäre super nett :)
Status: (Frage) überfällig Status 
Datum: 19:22 Mo 07.01.2008
Autor: airam111


Wir haben die Aufgabe bekommen ein eigenes Märchen zu erfinden. Ich habe meine geschrieben und wie ich mich kenne haben sich bestimmt viele Fehler eingeschlichen. =) Wäre nett wenn ihr mir die sagen könntet.. danke schonmal!

The three riddles

Once upon a time near a big forest there lived a poor woodcutter with his wife, their seven sons and their daughter. The forest around them was owned by a terrible wicked wizard. The wizard forbade the woodcutter to cut down trees out of his wood.
One day in winter it was very cold inside the family’s cottage. They hadn’t got any more wood to heat their home. The woodcutter was despaired. Without some wood, his wife, his sons, his daughter and he would freeze to death. But there was no tree to cut down, only in the big forest of the wizard. The woodcutter decided to take only one of the trees out of this forest. He thought that the wizard wouldn’t notice that one of his trees is missing. As the woodcutter was cutting down a tree he suddenly heard an eerie voice. The voice said to him “I have forbidden you to take one of my trees! Now I have to punish you. Give your seven sons and your daughter to me! They will have to work at my castle!” The woodcutter answered in fear, “Don’t! I have only cut this one tree, because it was so cold inside our cottage. Please, I entreat you not to take my children!” Nerved the wicked wizard answered, “I’ll take your seven suns. You get them back if your daughter is able to solve seven riddles, for one solved riddle you get one of your sons back!” After the wicked wizard said this he suddenly disappeared. The poor woodcutter went home. When he opened the door, he saw his wife and daughter. Both of them were crying.
The next day, a goblin came to their cottage. He said to the woodcutter, “Your daughter Luna has to go the small lake in the middle of the wizard’s forest. There she will find her first riddle!” Luna arrived at the small lake at midday. She saw a green dressed fairy flying over the lake. The fairy talked to her in a softly voice, “I have the first riddle for you! If you are able to solve it you will get your youngest brother back.” Luna said, “I’m ready” “Okay, there is this lake. At the beginning there was only one water lily in it. After one year there were two in it, after two years four, after seven years eight, after four years sixteen and so on. Now the half of the lake is full of water lilies. How long will it take until the lake is full of water lilies?” “Oh, that’s easy. Every year the water lilies reduplicate themselves. So it will take one year until the lake is full of them!” The fairy answered impressed, “That’s right! Your youngest brother will come home. For the second riddle you have to go at the top of the mountain!” Luna was very happy that she managed to solve the first riddle. She walked on a small path at the top of the mountain. When she reached the top she looked around, but there was nothing. Only a raven was sitting on a rock. Suddenly the raven began to speak, “I have got the second riddle for you. A farmer stands with a wolf, a sheep and a cabbage on one side of a wide river. With a boat he wants to cross the river with this animals and the cabbage, but the problem is that the boat is made for only two persons. How does the farmer get all seven things on the other side? But keep in mind that the wolf would eat the sheep without supervision and that the sheep has big appetite for the cabbage.” Until the raven has finished the girl said, “Let me think! That’s a difficult one.” The girl sat down on a rock. After a while she began to speak again, “I think I know the answer. First the farmer drives across the river with the sheep. He drives back alone. Then he takes the cabbage on the other side of the river. The farmer drives back with the sheep. He drops off the sheep and then he brings the wolf on the other side of the river. Again he drives back alone and finally he brings the sheep on the other side. Is that right?” The raven replied immediately, “Yes, I think so. Now you get back your second oldest brother! He is waiting for you at you home. That was the second riddle. For the third one you have to go the wizard’s castle!” Luna had never seen the wizard before, but she was very afraid of him. She walked downhill the mountain. Back at the bottom the sky was already dark and there were hundreds of stars on it. The courageous girl walked all night long. In the morning she was so tired that she made a small nap beside the path. After some hours Luna suddenly woke up because she heard the noise of horses. She saw a beautiful carriage coming up to her. The girl stood up and stopped the carriage. She asked the driver, “Excuse me, do you know how long the way to the wizard’s castle is?” “It’s a bit of a walk. But we can give you a lift. Jump in!” Luna climbed inside cabin of the carriage. There was a handsome prince in it. It was love at the first sight. Luna told him the story about the wicked wizard and the three riddles. The prince promised her to help her with the third and last riddle. After two hours they reached the castle. Luna and the prince looked around. They went to the gate. There a soldier said “The wizard is already expecting you!” and he opened the gate. The soldier brought them to the wizard. The wizard started talking, “I heard that you managed to solve two of the three riddles. I have the third riddle for you. If you are able to solve it your oldest brother will be free. But if you aren’t able to I will kill you and your whole family!” Luna was very afraid. With a quiet voice she said “I’m ready. Please start!” The wicked wizard started talking, “Two sisters worked on a field all day long. When they finished their work, the face of one sister was dirty. The face of the other sister was clean. But the sister with the clean face washed her face and the one with the dirty one not. Why?” Luna was very nervous and she wasn’t able to think about the riddle. Suddenly the prince said to her the solution of the riddle. The girl went up to the wizard and said to him, “The dirty sister only saw the face of the sister with the clean face and the sister with the clean face only saw the one with the dirty face. So the sister with the clean face thought that her face is also dirty and washed it. The sister with the dirty face thought that her face is clean, so she didn’t wash it.” The wizard threw an angry look at her and said, “Now, also your oldest brother can go home. But I’ll avenge me!” Suddenly the prince started speaking, “Is it true that you are able to turn into a flea?” “Of course I can!” the wizard said and turned immediately into a flea. Quickly the prince stamped on the flea and killed the wizard. Luna fell into the prince’s arms. Together they went to Luna’s cottage. When they entered the door the woodcutter, his wife and the three sons were sitting around the table and everybody hugged the courageous girl. Then Luna and the prince narrated the story how the prince were able to kill the wicked wizard. Then the woodcutter’s family and the prince decided to move from the cottage in the big castle of the wizard. Now they were also the owner of the big wood. Luna, her prince, the woodcutter, the wife and the three suns lived happily ever after.

korrektur eines märchens.. =): Fälligkeit abgelaufen
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 23:13 Mi 09.01.2008
Autor: matux

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